Walking Aids

Our Walking Aid Products

Helping you keep mobile, active and independent is important to us, which is why we offer a complete line of walking aids for your selection. Ideal for people who are recovering from an injury, these tools make mobility during your therapy easier and more comfortable.

Knee Walker Advantages – Walking Aids

People recovering from injuries below the knee will have fewer limitations if they use a safe and maneuverable knee walker. Designed for either indoor or outdoor use, knee walkers remain sturdy on uneven surfaces and provide balance. Walkers are lightweight and foldable and are easy to transport. Walkers also prevent atrophy, can increase the rate of recovery and free arms and hands. Hand and lock brakes secure knee walkers when not in motion

How Can We Help You?

Our friendly and experienced staff will take the time to talk with you, understand your specific needs and make suggestions for the ideal walking aid for you.

Our staff looks forward to assisting you with your home medical equipment needs.

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